
So, welcome to my blog! My name is Alexander van der Kolk.

I currently reside in Roosendaal, the Netherlands. For a living I work as a Software Engineer for Logica, a world-wide IT and management consultancy company. This blog gives me the opportunity to share some thoughts about my projects, travels and other interests. It will provide a means for people to get to know something about me and my experiences. It will also contain a project archive and a travel summary to see what I’ve done in the past and where I’m currently working on.

In the past I’ve tried to maintain this site using my own scripts, however it became tiresome to update it with content. Switching to proven technology is probably a better decision than to stay running it on my own. It will make my life easier and give me more spare-time to work on projects and have fun!

So far this welcome message, cheers!

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